How Zenitech is enabling educators to embrace the digital smart campus

Student coursework has long been about more than just essays and exams, so why are the systems of some education organisations still stuck in the past?

The tradition of handing over a paper essay, or even physical media such as a CD or USB stick, have been displaced by digital as education adopts the smart campus approach.

The concept of the smart campus can be defined as creating a physical or digital environment in which individuals and technology enabled systems interact in increasingly open, connected, coordinated and intelligent ecosystems. In it’s 2019 study, Deloitte spoke of education at “the crossroads of an amazing digital shift”.

In this case, creating efficiencies like embracing digital submission of coursework makes life easier for students and staff alike, creates less plastic waste, and can ultimately lead to cost savings for the education providers and better outcomes for everyone.

Student in Library

How Zenitech is helping educational establishments save time, and money

As a partner of choice to organisations that seek digital transformation and business reinvention, Zenitech has extensive expertise in the education sector. Faced with a poor internet infrastructure and a mix of hardware systems, we helped one global educational programmes’ centre to quickly simplify its distribution of content.

Digitalisation brought greater efficiencies and additional benefits including automating the plagiarism and collusion checks of coursework.

For example, audio files for language exams were once burnt on to CDs, which could be lost or scratched, with some users not even having access to hi-fi equipment to play them. CDs sent by the academia to international trainees could also get lost in transit, or held up in customs, with additional costs to pay.

In creating reliable platforms for uploading and downloading of digital audio files, we were also able to offer users analytics to track access by centres as well as download counts.

Technology is enabling students to concentrate solely on their studies, and freeing up staff to do what they do best: sharing knowledge, teaching, moderating and marking.

Recognising that education institutes are businesses too, Zenitech’s own technology initiatives have all helped schools to build stronger propositions that fuel growth and efficiency.

The education sector is ripe for digital transformation; make sure you are at the forefront of that change. Give us a call to discuss how we can help you stay relevant in today’s highly technological world with increasing learners demands.