“At Zenitech, we go beyond the ordinary for our clients. We have a committed team of trusted experts who possess a fervent passion to excel and exceed whether it is streamlining client’s technical operations or creating new data and digital offerings to accelerate market growth,” says CEO Sam Kingston.

What sets Zenitech apart? It is our ability to customise a client’s innovation journey.Our R&D labs at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, give clients the chance to test emerging technologies before making major investments. Our talented engineering teams, spread across the EU operate within a standardised collaborative working model which ensures consistency and adaptability  while our scalable approach moves seamlessly from experimentation to production.

Our commitment doesn’t stop there. With a ‘challenger’ engineering culture at our core, we present our clients with different options ensuring that the chosen solution is fit for their purpose, We proactively bring top flight talent whether internally or externally and build solutions that may be required to conform to rigorous regulation or take account of the client’s industry specific constraints. As one of our clients put it: “Zenitechers bring fresh perspectives, offering innovative ways to solve problems, rather than relying on how things have always been done. Their engineers bring valuable insights to the table.”

Our client-first approach carries real obligations for each Zenitecher as we never lose sight that as individuals and collectively as Zenitech,we are part of our clients social value and sustainability eco-system so by combining innovation, adaptability, and social responsibility, we are building digital-native communities and making a lasting impact for our clients and beyond.

Stay tuned—the winner will be announced on November 13th in London!