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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Statement

Zenitech Hexagon - green, red and an image of two zenitech employees

Zenitech is made up of brilliant people. Each of us is unique, whether in terms of our background, personal characteristics, experience, skills or motivations. And we value our people for the differences they bring. These differences – this diversity – is very powerful.

We define diversity as valuing everyone as an individual, whatever their relationship with our organisation. Fostering an inclusive culture helps each of us to benefit from a wider range of different perspectives, thoughts, ideas and ways of working. We believe that this creates a happier, more productive working environment for us all.

This is reflected in our core values and is why COMMUNITY FIRST is at the heart of all we do. Zenitech has a strong learning culture where people continuously flourish and grow professionally, this enables our people to realise their potential, improves decision-making, boosts engagement and innovation, and enables us to better meet the needs of our diverse customer base.

Our aim is to ensure that our people are equally valued and respected and we are committed to creating and sustaining a positive and inclusive culture of belonging in our community. Zenitech adopts a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination in any form of the protected grounds in the Equality Act 2010, by our employees, stakeholders, suppliers, contractors and clients.

We provide equal opportunities to everyone, regardless of: age (all age groups)

  • disability (physical and mental health)
  • sex or gender identity (male, female, non-binary, trans, gender fluid)
  • marriage or civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race (colour, ethnicity, nationality, national origins)
  • religion or beliefs
  • gender reassignment
  • sexual orientation (lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, questioning)
  • other protected characteristics, such as carers

In particular, we strongly encourage suitably qualified applicants from a wide range of backgrounds to apply and join our community at Zenitech. We will take positive steps to ensure that our employees, stakeholders, suppliers, contractors and clients can enjoy an experience that is fair, equitable and free from discrimination in their dealings with us.

To avoid ambiguity, when we talk about discrimination we mean the following:

  • offensive jokes, banter and comments
  • ostracising or “freezing out”, ignoring and staring
  • patronising, belittling or derogatory comments and remarks
  • mimicking or nicknames
  • inappropriate personal questions or comments
  • assault or other non-accidental physical contact, including disability aids
  • the display, sending or sharing of offensive letters, publications, objects, images or sounds
  • offensive comments about appearance or clothing
  • deliberate and consistent behaviours which demonstrate a non-acceptance of aspects relating to protected or personal characteristics, for example, failure to use requested gender pronouns
  • other specific behaviours that may be attributed to sexual harassment or stalking
A graphic showing Zenitech's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging mission

We require all members of our community to recognise, uphold and act in accordance with the principles of our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging and our supporting policies and procedures.

Our Board of Directors has overall responsibility for ensuring that we operate within a framework of equity of opportunity.

Our Executive Team has overall management responsibility, delegated to all managers throughout the organisation.

Responsibility for this statement lies with the Chief People Officer and it will be reviewed regularly and if necessary, revised in the light of legislative or organisational changes. It will be made available to the public through our website.